Tyre’s order jolted Serena out of her shock, but instead of heeding his directions, she stepped forward and swung her purse again. The pocketbook sailed toward the tall man’s solar plexus.
“Let’s get out of here!” the tall guy yelled at his buddy.
Tyre, half crouched and ready to continue the battle, caught the shorter man’s gaze. The man wasn’t a quitter. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t give up the fight, not until Tyre lay bleeding on the ground, but his buddy was already behind the wheel.
The short man jumped into the open van door and shot a murderous look at Tyre.
“This isn’t over,” he growled, as the van lurched forward and sped away.
“Are you okay?” Tyre was at Serena’s side, his eyes shining with concern.
“Yeah, I think…I think so.”
His eyes swept the empty street. “Let’s get inside and call the police.”
An hour and a half later, Serena sat in the conference room at West Investigations and sipped a strong cup of coffee. She’d already made a statement to the first arriving officers and repeated the story when Detective Rossi arrived sometime later. Now, she watched Rossi and Tyre speak in the farthest corner from her. Tyre hadn’t let her out of his sight since the attack. Even now, as he spoke to the detective, he kept shooting glances in her direction. His dark eyes found hers again and, although she was sure his concern was purely for her as a colleague, that knowledge didn’t stop her heart from fluttering.
Detective Rossi called over the policewoman standing behind Serena’s chair over.
Tyre crossed the room to where she sat. “Hey, how are you doing?”
“I’m okay. The adrenaline rush has passed.”
“Rossi says he’ll have us out of here in a little bit. He has a few more questions for you,” Tyre said, sitting in the chair next to her and taking her hands in his.
“Thank you,” Serena said. “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t shown up when you did.”
“You were doing a pretty good job, but I’m glad I could help He squeezed her hands. “Next time, though, you run when I tell you to run.”
A small smile curled her lips. “No way. I couldn’t leave you.”
The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled Serena’s gaze from Tyre’s.
Detective Rossi stood on the opposite side of the conference table from where they sat. “Ms. Wells, I just have a few more questions to make sure I got everything I need for the report and then we can get you out of here.”
Detective Rossi’s few more questions quickly turned into going over what had happened again from the beginning.
Tyre let go of her hands but stayed close, adding several details to her story that she’d missed in the heat of the moment, like what one of the men had said before the van pulled off.
We want that file.
She didn’t remember the assailant saying anything before speeding away, but she’d been so afraid she wasn’t surprised she’d missed so many details.
Rossi finally left, promising to keep her in the loop on the progression of the investigation.
“I think I’ll take a car home,” Serena said, rising from her chair and slinging her purse over her shoulder.
Tyre shook his head, a frown covering his handsome face. “No way. I’m driving you home. You can pick up a few things and then you’re going to come and stay with me.”
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