Back at the beginning—November 3rd
Jane wasn’t sold on hiding in the wardrobe, but trusted John. If her suspicions were correct—and sadly their conversation with Mrs Gregor left little doubt—confronting a suspect with no proof beyond a false-bottomed trunk wouldn’t be enough. Not when said suspect had been planning this likely…twenty years.
Only if they felt caught beyond a reasonable doubt, would they, perhaps, confess. So she and John had squashed into the wardrobe, whilst the others were given their orders. Now they had to wait, see if their plan worked, and they got the proof required to save Fred’s life.
Then it won’t merely be the truth of this murder which shall come to light.
Jane knew that, and it filled her with dread, but also…relief. She wasn’t sure what would happen to her, or this new thing between her and John, but her heart would be free.
And Fred will know the truth of his mother’s death. Perhaps it’ll be some comfort.
John shuffled in his corner, and she shushed him, feeling him glaring. Quickly though, he settled, and…
Creaking floorboards.
Tapping John’s knee, she peeked through the tiny gap of the wardrobe’s door, and her heart sank, and lightened, realising she’d been right.
My ghost…
That single word was all they needed, though more followed once the two women embraced.
‘It’ll be over soon, my love,’ Mrs Hanson crooned.
Yes, it will, Jane thought grimly as John tapped her leg, signalling it was time.
With a deep breath, and as much agility as she could manage, she sprung from the wardrobe, John close behind. The women separated, the younger of the two frantic, her maid’s attire askew and wrinkled, whilst the elder was…
‘There are others outside, Mrs Hanson,’ John announced, before they could react. ‘Come peacefully, lest you lose another daughter to this house.’
Nodding, Mrs Hanson took her daughter’s hand, and straightened.
It’ll all be over soon…
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